Daily report on tickets closed by an admin

  • 24 August 2020
  • 2 replies

Perhaps I am overlooking something, but I can't seem to be able to find a way to report on the tickets that were closed and assigned to a particular admin.

We have some situations where we have a generic account as an admin signed into a station so that anyone on the front desk team can get a ticket entered. In theory, I should be able to report on the assigned user, but if the ticket is closed by that generic account, it shows up as doing the work.

How can I report on this without using the old, pre-generated reports in SysAid?

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Sean Et Cetera
Perhaps I am overlooking something, but I can't seem to be able to find a way to report on the tickets that were closed and assigned to a particular admin.

We have some situations where we have a generic account as an admin signed into a station so that anyone on the front desk team can get a ticket entered. In theory, I should be able to report on the assigned user, but if the ticket is closed by that generic account, it shows up as doing the work.

How can I report on this without using the old, pre-generated reports in SysAid?

Hi Sean Et Cetera,

What I understand is that you want to create a report that has information about a particular admin who closed tickets.

I didn't understand where the problem is.

Which version do you use? Full edition?

Thanks for more details
I am running v19.4.41 b12 on premise.

Yes. Working remotely has of course changed the work flow and I have half my team in the office an the other half at home. While I can run a report to see who has worked on what tickets by running a report on who modified a ticket, which is great and all, but I want to be able to run a report on who closed tickets, or was assigned tickets that were closed, on a given day. We get the "thank you!" emails in response to closing a ticket, which reopens it. If I'm cleaning up tickets, I don't want my closure of a reopen to inflate my statistics; someone else closed that issue, not me.

For example, when I run the pre-generated report Opened/Closed Records per Administrator, this gives what I need, but I'd rather have a a bar chart or something else in the new report style. When I try and run the "newer" style reports, there is no option for gathering the "assigned user", and I just want to know how I can get to the data that the report listed has access to. Trying some of the other user options hasn't given me what I need either.
