
Release Preview: SysAid’s Fresh User Interface!

Dena Wieder-Freiden

6 min read

SysAid Service Desk Fresh UI

We have been more-than-hinting for some time now about the cool stuff we’ve been working on here at SysAid, particularly the user interface (UI) makeover on the Service Desk, which started about one year ago. Our Chief Product Designer, Maurice Hason, writes all about the process here.

So many customers on Facebook and Twitter have been asking me for screenshots and sneak peeks but I was sworn to secrecy :).

Today, though, we are thrilled to announce the Release Preview of our next version of SysAid that includes the first phase of the new UI.

After months of research, including observations of user behavior, we reorganized the way the SysAid menu items appear in a more structured, logical, and intuitive way. Watch the video below to see for yourself:

So What’s New?

  • We created a main menu that includes the functionalities most used, according to the surveys we conducted.
  • We took all of the system settings and put them in one place according to their topics.
  • We created a Personal Menu.
  • We reorganized all the functionalities into 4 main categories:
  • Service Desk
  • Assets
  • Analytics
  • Tools

And this is just the beginning. We’ve got lots more ahead.

Check It Out Now

If you want to play around with the new UI, you can see it from the instant demo on our website or even sign-up for a new Trial from the homepage, which now offers the SysAid version with the new UI.

What’s Ahead?

During August we’ll be rolling out the upgrade gradually for SysAid Cloud. If you have any concerns or questions, or wish to test it out beforehand, simply email us at or contact your account manager.

Also in August: the On-Premise Beta will be released with lots of fixes and the new UI.

Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook where we are always listening.

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the Author

Dena Wieder-Freiden

As SysAid’s Head of Content, Dena values most her friendships and daily conversations with the awesome IT service management (ITSM) authorities from all over the world! As they share their knowledge with her, she enjoys paying it forward to the IT community at large. Outside of work, she’s most likely at the gym, the beach, or at home watching a movie and spending time with her family.

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